Africa -  Seychelles

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HVS In-Depth Africa Hotel Valuation Index:   2021 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

2017 was a record year in tourism arrivals for both Mauritius and Seychelles and it is expected to continue in the next few years thanks to strong marketing strategies, an increased accessibility and governments efforts to promote the destinations to new source markets.

Seychelles has a buoyant economy supported by a strong tourism activity and an expanding credit sector. An increased accessibility combined with a growth in cruise tourism resulted in a new record of tourist arrivals in 2017 with nearly 350,000 arrivals. Austrian Airlines launched the third direct flight from Europe and South African Airways opened a new air route from Durban to the island. Joon, the new Air France “millennials” airline started operations in 2018 opening the atoll to the new millennials’ market.

The Seychelles Tourism Bureau increased its collaboration with its partners to implement a new tourism strategy including the diversification of the source markets to less traditional markets and the promotion of non-room revenue to increase overall tourism receipts. Values were up by 15% in 2017 driven by both occupancy and ADR.

The government aims to reallocate 18 hotel developments on hold to new developers who have the financial capacity to complete them. This project aims to increase foreign direct investment and the island room capacity to support tourism growth. Overall Seychelles aims to develop sustainable tourism in the next few years and values are expected to grow steadily by 5% in 2018 and approximately 3% in 2019 and 2020 despite the growth in hotel supply.

Change In Value For Market:

Significant Value Increase: Greater than +10%
Moderate Value Increase: Between +3% and +10%
Stable Values: Between -3% and +3%
Moderate Value Decline: Between -3% and -10%
Significant Value Decline: More than -10%

For more information, please contact:

Rishabh Thapar, MRICS
[email protected]
  • +27 0 792790584 (m)