United States -  Norfolk - Virginia Beach

* Although the HVI cannot tell you what a particular hotel is worth, it does provide excellent “big picture” data, indicating which market areas are experiencing positive trends, and thus may present good investment opportunities. The HVI for the U.S. is a measure of the strength of the lodging industry as a whole and, specifically, the hospitality investment market. The HVI for the various identified markets can provide a basis to evaluate and compare different geographic regions. For more insight on the limitations and applicability of the HVI, please read the message on the HVI home page by clicking on the graphic at the top of this page.

Change In Value For Market:

Significant Value Increase: Greater than +10%
Moderate Value Increase: Between +3% and +10%
Stable Values: Between -3% and +3%
Moderate Value Decline: Between -3% and -10%
Significant Value Decline: More than -10%

For more information, please contact:

Chelsey Leffet
Chief Operating Officer
U.S. Consulting & Valuation Division
[email protected]
  • +1 302 740-2772 (m)
Janet Snyder, MAI
Managing Director
Valuation, Market & Feasibility Consulting
[email protected]
  • +1 972 978-4714 (w)